
 iroha ゼン まっちゃ バイブレーター ローター 電池式 女性用

 iroha ゼン まっちゃ バイブレーター ローター 電池式 女性用詳細

iroha ゼン まっちゃ バイブレーター ローター 電池式 女性用

 iroha ゼン まっちゃ バイブレーター ローター 電池式 女性用口コミ

Found out about this product from a certain site known for importing all manner of ero toys and lotions from Japan, but they were charging insane prices so here we are at JP Amazon. Shipping was surprisingly fast; the packaging was excellent, meaning this little device could not possibly have been damaged on its trip across the ocean. If you are a gaikokujin concerned about ordering an electric device from the other side of the planet, this is good news.

Is there a point in getting this vibrator rather than something more domestic? Hm. The better question is, does this thing *work*? Holy wow, yes.

Look, I can’t be the only one who’s bored by/scared of the local vibrators. It’s either buy something minimalist that is legally marketed as a “massager”, or a gigantic thing covered in spikes and augmented with suction features. I’m not exaggerating much.

This toy is simple but not basic. The three vibration intensities are well designed- start small and work your way up. I did *not* expect it to be as quiet as it is. The texture is second to none, not too hard and not too soft, and the surface is never cold. The folds feel one way and the smooth head of the shaft feels like something else, so do feel free to experience both.

You don’t need any special lubricant for this. Just some Astroglide or something is fine. Batteries are included!

It was absolutely worth the price and wait. I am a BL-loving weeb with needs. I didn’t order this just because it was Japanese, but because it looked awesomely promising. I was not disappointed.






